Our case against irregular and non-transparent contractual appointments is totally on different terrain and by no way one can support irrational and sweeping hiring and firing practices. Recent "firing boom" in the university has further strengthened our stance about the lack of any long term policy vision of IIUI administration. Most of these appointments were dubious in the wake of totally undefendable and crazy expansion project of our post Ghazi administration and now in the same haphazard and "hush-rush" manner, people are being laid off. If this is the solution of our financial crunch then do it but first of all share university's balance sheet with the stakeholders so that faculty could get a fair idea about who is who when it comes perks, benefits, entitlements, TA & DA, oversease and domestic trips, lofty packages etc. It is high time to think about adopting an efficient model of administration -student ratio policy to shed off unnecessary and inefficient load. We can contract-out several administrative functions to save cost, time and energies but who has the time to think about serious and sustainable solutions? Perhaps our administration think that they are simple people so they hire when they have money and they fire when they don't. But the rest of the world calls it maladministration!
Can you please highlight duboiue appointments of two two doughters and two nephews in grade 17 on permanant post through bogus advertisement and slection procedures
Khadija in IIIE, Zaheer in IIIE, Taqeer in IIIE, his one daughter in English department.. NAB should investigate how these permanent posts have gone to Abdul Majid Additional Director Personale near relative out of 500 candidates .. this peak of cooruption must be investigated in NAB/FIA/ Crimnal Invetigation Authourities. AbdulMajid has already inducted about 10 close relative in the university. Why Dr. Anawar Siddiqui is involved in this coruupt practices?
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