“Professor Danishmand Joins IIUI
Professor Danishmand, former Director of the Institute of Business Administration Karachi (IBA) has joined the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) as Dean of the faculty of management sciences (FMS). Professor Danishmand is a renowned scholar in the field of management science. He also has a very rich experience of private sector and has been managing director of several companies including Honda Motors and Pak Suzuki Motors etc. He has been managing IBA which is a pioneer and leading institution of Business Administration in Pakistan, for the last six years. He is also an old graduate of the IBA and received his advanced education from the university of southern California USA”
Welcome Professor Danishmand and we hope that he will enjoy his stay at IIUI both as a dean and faculty member. He is definitely bringing a very rich experience with him both as a corporate executive and academic administrator and we hope that our institution would benefit from his presence and leadership. Professor Danishmand can be ranked as a five star dean in Pakistan given the position of IBA among Pakistani business schools. In a modest attempt to fully acknowledge and appreciate his achievements in IBA, we googled him after today’s announcement. Our readers may find following two links interesting in this regard:
For IIUI administration, we’ll again raise the same questions which we have floated earlier in several posts on this blog and that is all about rationale and modus operandi through which such crucial decisions are made at IIUI. Recently we have seen a firing boom season in the university where contracts of many beginners and mid-career faculty members were terminated mainly because of financial crisis. It is beyond the apprehension of an ordinary prudent man that what savings you are making by firing those who are not getting substantial share in the resources pie? On the other hand, administration is still keen to hire a few high profile people against lofty salary packages. Here the argument is not in fact against the credentials or potential of a person who is recruited (though it can be in certain cases). It is mainly about the duality of policies which university administration sounds out when it comes to allocations of financial resources to regular faculty of IIUI. If you don’t have resources then there should be a uniform approach for every body and every department regardless of the fact that some are generating more money than others as university is not as such a profit making institution. It is one of the prime responsibilities of the administration to create an equitable and uniform working environment in the institution.
We have yet another concern about these appointments and that’s for purely academic reasons. We wonder that why IIUI is rapidly becoming a “dumping” ground of retired and in some cases redundant people? We are sorry to mention few names here but it is all about it: Start from Professor Farhat Mujtaba and the keep on counting and you will find Professor Qaisra Alvi, Dr. Javed Ahsan, Dr. Khurram Qadir, until recently Dr. Siddiq Shibli & Mr. Amanullah and now Dr. Fateh Muhammad Malik too! We are really admirer of at least couple of them but the point is so simple and that is about the driving force. If there is no “force” and “drive” in the leadership then you can imagine about the miserable condition of that institution and so is our case. Apparently Professor Danishmand is a non-PhD though he went abroad for this purpose but there is no mention of successful accomplishment of his degree (on this point an interesting parallel can be drawn with outgoing Dean, Mr. Amanullah!). It is not that a PhD brings wonders and readymade solutions but the institutions try to follow the best practices and we at IIUI have failed here too. It is strange that why we could not appoint a young, dedicated, energetic and visionary person as dean who can set long term reform process in the Faculty of Management Sciences?
Far Fetched I guess
A page from diary of Prof. Amanullah
Today I will tell you a story from diary of Amanullah the great. First a little background… when we were in IIUI Mr. Amanullah used to rarely come in his class… and when he did … he would spend last 30 mins plus 15 mins (45) mins teaching … the teacher from next class would wait out side in respect for 15 mins until amanullah leaves… and he would think that Amanullah is such a great man that he spends more time on students than what he is paid for… little did he know that Amanullah spent first 60 mins telling story from Diary of Amanullah the great man.
TodayI will not talk about how he bent the rules to give favors to his own children who studied at IIUI … today I will tell you such a story.
One day Amanullah the great man came in the class as usual he wanted to say something good about himself. So according the usual format he spent first 60 mins telling us this story … here it goes.
When Amanullah the great man was young and a student, he had no money and he was poor. One fine day it was season for oranges(kinnu) and amanullah passed by an orange shop… and he wanted to buy some luscious and sweet oranges… but then he remembered that money he has were for the books… now amanullah started to circle around the orange mart… round and round …round and round … thinking should he buy oranges or should buy books(this draman went for 20 mins in his own narration) .. but finally he decided to buy the books… now whenever he goes shopping he always buys oranges like a greedy man in large quantities .. and his wife wonders why does he do that… little does she know about the sacrifices amanullah the great man has made to become a role model for the students .
I would tell you guys more from the diary of Amanullah the great man or a whole book can written about it “Chronicles of Amanullah the great man”. BUT no one should be tortured with this sh_t … every time he came in class he wasted our time telling these cr_py stories. These retarded stories permanently damaged our minds!
So children whenever you see a teacher wasting your time in class like this or doing his personal unauthorized research or work on class expense … report that haramkhor… every student report that haramkhor so we can rid Pakistan of such leaches who bring politics in education.
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