"Professor Arshad Mirza of the Economics Department is suffering from lungs disease and is in deteriorating conditions in Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad. To save his life, he must undergo lungs transplantation. This facility is not available in Pakistan and for travelling abroad and have treatment, he needs to have Pak Rupees 50,0000 which are beyond his capacity. Funds are being raised to help Prof. Mirza. Amounts can be deposited directly to his account no. 184400601571101 in the Habib bank, International Islamic University. You can also contact Dr. Rahmat Ilahi chairman, Dept. of mathematics and statistics at phone no. 0519258037 or 0519019510.
Adnan said...
Please note below the corrections in blog details: Estimated amount required: Rs 5 million (50,00000) Account Name: Muhammad Arshad Mirza Account Number: 18440060157101
Bank: Habib Bank Limited, International Islamic University, Islamabad
Please note that the above estimate is for a possible lungs transplant in India (least of the preferred places for the transplant). Investigations are being made in UK at the moment to compare the costs and treatment levels. We will appreciate if someone could pass on his/her contact details for us to share the medical reports of Professor Mirza to make similar inquiries in the USA.
September 23, 2008 12:41 PM
September 23, 2008 12:41 PM
1 comment:
Please note below the corrections in blog details:
Estimated amount required: Rs5 million (5,000,000)
Account Name: Muhammad Arshad Mirza
Account Number: 18440060157101
Bank: Habib Bank Limited, International Islamic University, Islamabad
Please note that the above estimate is for a possible lungs transplant in India (least of the preferred places for the transplant). Investigations are being made in UK at the moment to compare the costs and treatment levels. We will appreciate if someone could pass on his/her contact details for us to share the medical reports of Professor Mirza to make similar inquiries in the USA.
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