"A Seminar on the Israeli War on Gaza: Causes and Consequences was organized by Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue at International Islamic University Auditorium Islamabad. Dr. Anwar Ahmad Siddiqui, President International Islamic University was in the Chair. While the panelists included Professor Amir Ali Hoodbhoy, Ambassador Tayyab Siddiqui, Professor Amna Mahmood Sandhu and Junaid Ahmad,…..( http://www.iiu.edu.pk/News/january_09.html#discussion)"
The most terrible mistake is very obvious: Dr Anwar Ahmad Siddiqui or is it because of our ignorance of Dr Sahib’s recent name change which most of us are unaware of. But what might have prompted Dr Anwar to change his name at this stage of his life?? Then he might not have changed his name and it is all a mischief of a newly recruited reporter or an intern who has not been briefed about the president. The mistake of not knowing the name of a top gun at an institution is forgivable if institutions are more important than individuals but at IIUI, it’s the president of the university who wields all the powers and we feel pity for the scribe who has got the name of the president wrong.
Its not only the President’s name that needs correction. Dr Hoodbhoy’s name is incomplete and we wonder what does Ambassador Tayyab Siddiqui mean? It is nothing but bad taste.
The most important lesson that we learn from this episode is that IIUI does not follow any systematic procedures to upload new materials on the website. Otherwise, mistakes of this kind are easy to avoid. It is our conjecture that the report was prepared by one of the reporters working in the protocol department. His seniors should have approved the report before sending it to the web master who works under a director in IT Centre whose efficiency is limited to ban IIUI blog being accessed from University network. He should also be responsible for approving all the content that goes online. In this case it seems that there is no filter between the reporter and the readers like us and one day it may result in some weird happening that will embarrass all at the helm of affairs. But do they ever get embarrassed????
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