February 11, 2009 Noor Aftab, The News: http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=162031
Islamabad Students of the International Islamic University (IIU) held a protest demonstration here on Tuesday against termination of two senior faculty members.
The protesters, carrying placards, chanted slogans against the university administration and demanded restoration of the sacked professors at the earliest.
Various student leaders addressed the gathering and blamed the university administration for taking discriminatory measures against senior faculty members. They said the university administration has terminated Professor Dr. Ijaz Mansoor Qureshi and Professor Dr. Ejaz Muhammad without any genuine reason, as evident from the text of their termination letters.
Dr. Qureshi has served as an acting dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology for one-and-a-half years before his termination. While Dr. Ejaz Muhammad is among those professors who have joined the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and started research and development in the working environment coined by Dr. Ijaz Mansoor Qureshi.
The protesters alleged that research activities at the FET have stopped and students of FET, especially MS and PhD scholars, were bearing a big loss. They appealed to President Asif Ali Zardari, who is also chancellor of the IIU, to restore the prominent professors at their respective positions.
NNI adds: A spokesman of the International Islamic University has said that only one dean who was working on temporary basis and whose contract was about to end in June 2009 was dismissed due to his maladministration. The spokesman added that the university has over 17,000 male and female students studying in eight faculties and 27 departments peacefully.
If maladministration is still a bad thing in Islamic University, then Dr. Anwar Siddiqui should also quit immediately. There is a total mess in the university and no one knows what is happening here. Mr. Siddiqui brings his blue eyed people by passing the rules and permanent faculty members and after sometimes they start bullying against each other. We all know stories right from the beginning: Professor Amanullah & co and now this episode. Who will fix this Siddiqui menace?
IIUI is unique in removing people from their jobs uncerimoniously. If we admit what the university spokesman is saying that the dean's contract was to end in June 2009, a sane administration would have waited patiently till that time so that people don't get a chance to criticise their decision. When you have senior citizens with high blood pressure at the helm of affairs, you can expect any thing from them. IIUI is being run like a commercial enterprise where there is no respect for the academic community and where the high ups of IIUI sometimes use unpolished language for some faculty members. Hope IIUI gets real leadership some day!!
Hats off to Musharraf as Mr. Siddiqui and his team are on a special mission in IIU to spoil this institute and its Islamic values.
He has been surrounded by the feet lickers who always tell him that he is right. He has removed so many people to bring his relatives and friends. If some one takes interest to find out the reasons of decline of IIU then he can find out that all the appointments in his tenure are questionable. He opened departments like Urdu, History, Persian and lot more to accommodate his friends and their families who were teaching in colleges and schools. He placed them on contract on such high pays that they would have never thought of such wages in their dreams. Removal of FET faculty is also to accommodate his dear ones.
For last twenty five years only one director exam and only one deputy director exam were working very efficiently and effectively. He placed his five friends as deputy director exams and things have gone worst. He placed a Lady, an old colleague of him, in Male Administration and changed the history of IIU. He placed so many third rated faculty members from LUMS, Rifah, MAJU and others who do not deserve to be in IIU . But hats off to Dr. Siddiqui as he still thinks he and his third class team is useful for IIU. Any unbiased person can mention the sudden decline in the management and name of IIU after the arrival of Mr. Siddiqui and his third class team. Wish Government may take some interest in IIU and a Foreigner President may come for IIU as per university statues.
Its appreciated that IIU Blogteam has coollected many things, and published all of it with no evidence whatsoever. Blogs are meant to do that!! We should, however, not forget that Dr. Siddiqi has at least done one good deed by throwing the Acting Dean, Dr. Ijaz Mansoor Qureshi out of the university. There are hundred and thousand stories about him, mostly true, but here you go with few selected ones to shed some light on his shaby character:
1. An extremist; a passionate Islamic Millitant, well known for his terrorist and anti-state activities. An active member of BMUMO: a militant organization, formed during his stay for doctoral studies at University of Toronto. There are hundred many evidences in public internet domain but just check:
2. A disgraced lover; his blazen love affair with HONZAGOOL, forcing & threatening an already married woman to marry him, in University of Toronto still echoes. His threatening letters to HONZOGOOL and testimonial from one of his professors can be found at:
Full cover story can be unvieled at:
3. Track-record holder of using extremely foul and abusive language with all his students. Perhapds his islamic looks have given him the license to treat all of us like that.
4. No research paper to his title as FIRST AUTHOR in past seven years.
5. Hold a reputation for PLAGIARISM in his name; his name was in HEC's Blaclisted faculty member in August 2008, and then was suddenly and very strangely removed from the list upon lobbying. This can be checked and verified by Quality Assurance Wing of HEC, Islamabad, who still holds the original data file in their record.
6. Got a great reputation for absconding from the universities which he previously joined. Both his past employers, Air University and MAJU have launched complaints against him to HEDC. IIUI should also do the same as he is the soul responsible to all the unrest in his name in the university these days.
7. Holds a PhD in Particle Physics and Bachelors in Aeronautical Engineering and yet very astonishingly, remained the stakeholdeer of Electronic Engineering (Telecom as major) and the Dean of faculty.
8. Famous to form his groups which act as non-state actors within university, having reputation to emotionally blackmale the faithful ones in the name JIHAD, KHILAFAT, ANTI-SHIAISM and much much more....
God help us... An ex-faithful from MAJU
What else you can expect from a Pakistani University running under the auspicious of Allama Zardari, THE CORRUPT...have some cold drinks and pray for the future.
DR. QURESHI Should be banned and blacklisted by HEC to teach in any university
Seems that the administration took a right decision to kick Dr. Qureshi out. He is blackmaler; and emotionally takes advantage of students. We request President Zardari to put him in jail forever so that he should not destry the peace of the universities.
They are incompetent bastards and must have been removed...we are happy over this decision...at least Dr Siddiqui took one right/wise decision.
Assalamu Alaikum my fello Muslims!
I am Loh Ahmad, graduate law student from Cambodia. I don't have any questions regarding to the IIUI as I am neither a Pakistani nor a student at this school. However, I am thinking to persue my master degree in Political Science at this international school. Intriguing to be educated in Islam at a higher education is tough as littile knowledge of this internationally recognized school to be known. Luckily, with my tip on the internet, I could be able to find this good school for my next educational journey. Please feel free for everyone who wish to tell me about this school.
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